#Southern Ocean AI Meta
#Southern ocean | Encircles Antarctica | Waters south of 60° S latitude | Covers ca. 21.96 million square kilometers | The fourth largest ocean basin | Antarctic Circumpolar Current (AAC) flows through it | ACC significantly influences global ocean circulation by connecting Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans | Average depth of approximately 3,270 meters (10,728 feet) | Maximum depth of 7,434 meters (24,390 feet) at Factorian Deep
#Super ocean current
#Ocean circulation
#Connecting main ocean basins of Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean
#Antarctic Circumpolar Current
#Marine biodiversity
#Isolating Antarctic fauna
#Weddell gyre
#Ross gyre
#Gyre distributes heat between equator and poles
#Gyre playspart in upwelling of deep, cold ocean waters to surface
#Southern Ocean is shaped like ring and not bounded by land
#Weddell and Ross gyres are part of aomplex global ocean circulation
#Machine learning algorithm
#Identifying icebergs
#Iceberg calving
#Tracking icebergs throughout their lifecycle until their demise
#Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR)
#Microwave signal transmitted from space
#Intensity of reflected radiation measured
#Crystalline structure of ice and snow on iceberg surface show up as strong, bright signals in satellite images
#Images collected day or night and through cloud cover
#AI algorithms performed on different satellite images taken over12-month period
#Amundsen Sea Embayment
#Thwaites Glacier
#West Antarctic Ice Sheet
#Calving of icebergs from ice sheet into Southern Ocean
#Increasing levels of calving signal increasing contribution to sea level rise
#AI approach to identify changes in numbers, size and pathways of icebergs as consequences of climate change
#Digital Twins
#Automated underwater vehicles
#Polar science
#Artificial intelligence (AI) combined with physical oceanography
#More acidic water from deep sea rising to surface
#Sea snails susceptible to aciditation
#Shells are made of aragonite
#Ross Sea
#Digital Twin of Southern Ocean
#Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) | One nautical mile in radius | Hub of biodiversity | Made up of organisms especially vulnerable to bottom-fishing gear | Refuge for life forms stressed by rapidly warming ocean
#Fast ice | Stationary sea ice remaining attached to coastline or among grounded icebergs | Covering extensive areas of Southern Ocean